Natural Strategies supports the USD 200 million National REDD+ Fund of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). Natural Strategies assesses and strengthens REDD+ project proposals on a sectoral and landscape level that seek to reduce deforestation in DRC.
The National REDD+ Fund is the financial vehicle and implementation tool for DRC’s National REDD+ Strategy. In line with this Strategy, DRC developed a REDD+ Investment Plan which sets out the framework for national REDD+ interventions.
DRC's REDD+ Investment Plan, like the National REDD+ Strategy, addresses the country’s drivers of deforestation and forest degradation: its direct drivers including agriculture, mining and forestry; and its indirect drivers including governance, legal and policy framework, land-use planning and demographic growth.
In this context and with funding from the Central African Forest Initiative, the Investment Plan aims to finance sectoral programs and integrated programs at the provincial level.
To support this process, Natural Strategies assesses and strengthens REDD+ project proposals on a sectoral and landscape level that seek to reduce deforestation in DRC with funding from FONAREDD, in line with the objectives, expected results, principles and criteria of the REDD+ Investment Plan. The objective is to help FONAREDD make informed decisions on which proposals to fund - thereby advancing on its pathway towards conserving forests and biodiversity while supporting local livelihoods.

Democratic Republic of Congo
Thematic areas
REDD+, Ecosystems & biodiversity
2018 - 2019