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Associate Consultant

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Monika Bertzky has worked in international nature conservation for 15 years, using her academic background in natural & social sciences to generate knowledge products for environmental policy & decision-making. She has a record of accomplishment at developing and contributing to projects with UN bodies, governments, NGOs, academia & civil society in Africa, Asia & Latin America, as an employee & independent consultant.


Her main areas of expertise include social & environmental safeguards & standards (Cancun, UNDP, UNEP, GCF/IFC), risk assessment, SESA, ESMF, the role of biodiversity & ecosystems in climate change mitigation & adaptation, and protected area mgmt & governance, among others in the context of the GCF.


Monika holds a PhD in Human Geography, a University Diploma in Biology & has completed additional trainings, e.g. in Environmental Security & Sustaining Peace, Climate Change Mitigation in Developing Countries & Protected Area Management in Africa.

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